Varun Sharma
Predoctoral Fellow
Varun joined the lab (shared with the Menche lab) in 2021 as a PhD student. He obtained a Bachelor's degree from Williams College in MA, USA and an MSc in Systems Biology (Aebersold lab) from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. His Masters work focused on predicting the function of newly identified protein complexes using a combined text-mining/machine learning framework. After the Masters, Varun worked in the field of AI for drug discovery at biotech companies in Cambridge, MA– Relay Tx and Dewpoint Therapeutics. Subsequently he worked in the lab of Prof. Mike Keiser at UCSF where he developed a novel metric deep learning approach for augmenting a high-content imaging phenotypic drug screen. In the Bock and Menche groups he will be working broadly in the fields of Deep Learning and Network biology with a potential application into therapeutic discovery.