BiQ Analyzer HT is a user-friendly software tool for sequence alignment, quality control and initial analysis of locus-specific DNA modification data. In particular, BiQ Analyzer HT is intended for analyzing medium-scale amplicon sequencing data (typically using MiSeq). The software supports four different assay types, and it leads the user from raw sequence reads to DNA modification statistics and publication-quality plots. The software facilitates the shift from time-consuming clonal bisulfite sequencing to the more quantitative and cost-efficient use of high-throughput sequencing for studying locus-specific DNA methylation patterns. BiQ Analyzer HT is also useful for locus-specific visualization of genome-wide bisulfite sequencing data.

BiQ Analyzer HT: locus-specific analysis of DNA methylation by high-throughput bisulfite sequencing
Lutsik, P, Feuerbach, L, Arand, J, Lengauer, T, Walter, J & Bock, C
Nucleic Acids Research  39, W551-W556 (2011). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr312
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